For qualified investors
Is your bond strategy ready for a volatile market?
In today’s low-yield, low-return environment, every dollar matters. Whether you’re planning for retirement or investing to secure a better future, consistent performance and low fees are essential to reaching your financial goals.
What challenges does the fixed income market face today?
What worked in the past may no longer be effective in light of today’s challenges. It may be time to adopt a bond strategy that tackles these issues head-on.
Higher volatility
The current landscape of liquidity withdrawal, the conclusion of quantitative easing, and economic uncertainty is revealing new market vulnerabilities. Develop a fixed-income strategy that addresses these emerging challenges.
Navigate changing bond markets
In today’s rapidly evolving and uncertain environment, investors require access to a diverse range of funds that can adapt to shifting market conditions. Volatility, while challenging, also presents valuable opportunities.
Access a wider opportunity set
With variations in global growth, monetary policy, and fixed income performance, a global bond portfolio can offer greater opportunities to capture returns and generate dividends.
Bond Valuation
easyGruop employs bond valuation to calculate the theoretical fair value of a bond. This process involves assessing the present value of the bond’s future interest payments (cash flow) and its final value at maturity (face value or par value). Since the par value and interest payments of a bond are fixed, bond valuation helps investors determine the rate of return needed to justify the investment.
So what do I do with my money?
It may be time to consider more flexible, unconstrained investment strategies. These approaches can explore opportunities across the entire global fixed-income market and quickly adapt to changing market conditions. easyGruop’ range of unconstrained bond funds is supported by a global network of fixed-income specialists, advanced risk management capabilities, and exclusive access to insights, information, and investment opportunities that set us apart from other managers.